
ISD superaware
This website is constantly monitored and frequently covertly attacked by what appears to be Singapore's Internal Security Division and individuals connected to it, especially ahead of the 2025 Singapore General Election, because I am the first openly gay ethnic community leader in Singapore and the first ethnic community leader not under the state's hegemonic control, and consistently maintain strict independence from the state despite innumerable covert attempts to engender the opposite. People close to me also appear to often be strong-armed against their will into trying to attack or hurt me on behalf of ISD and abusive elements of the Singapore state.​
If this website disappears without any indication of why it has disappeared, you can thus generally assume that I am under apocalyptically severe psychoemotional abuse and attack from the Singapore state, or Fuad or I have recently experienced one of these attacks. I have experienced at least eight of these totalitarising attacks on my sense of self from what appears to be ISD and ISD-linked individuals in April 2010, November 2012, August 2018, July 2019, September 2021, March 2022, November 2024 and March 2025 because I have steadfastly refused to ever be controlled by these abusive elements of the Singapore state.
The Merlionsman website, most parts of the Kodrah Kristang website and my Tigri sa Chang substack were temporally taken offline between Sunday, 9 March 2025 22:30 SGT and Wednesday, 12 March 2025 09:30 SGT after extremely severe racist and homophobic inbound projection on a level of severity identical to that experienced by myself in July 2019 was experienced by me and Fuad from what appears to be Singapore's Internal Security Division, and via a member of my Dragonsguard who appears to have been forced against their will to attack us with homophobic, ableist and racist slurs in order to destabilise us, to turn Fuad and I against each other and/or the rest of my Dragonsguard and the Kristang community, to make us feel even more isolated after I previously explained that I was not in direct contact with most of the people in my henung on Thursday, 6 March 2025 in this banner headline, to suggest to Fuad that Fuad was being useless to Singapore because he was not trying to stop me, and to attempt to make us both feel that I was doing things to directly jeopardise my public image, and therefore Fuad's and my life together, in an immature, childish, puerile or juvenile way, and/or in a psychoemotionally or mentally disordered way that tried to intentionally remind both of us of the earlier projection from what appears to be ISD in July 2019 that I had a hidden or unknown personality disorder, and that Fuad was not aware of this such that I was secretly preying on or hurting the people I loved without his knowledge or awareness. As of Wednesday, 12 March 2025 09:30 SGT, Fuad and I have hence decided that we will generally assume going forward that all use of any homophobic, ableist or racist slurs from any person based in Singapore or connected to Singapore, and any attempts to suggest I have any kind of psychological or mental disorder beyond ADHD and/or autism, and/or that I am anything less than fully psychoemotionally healthy are coming from someone related to ISD and abusive elements of the Singapore state who are making use of such slurs, homophobia, racism and/or ableist prejudice and bias to try and violate, abuse, traumatise or hurt us. The general public and all members of my Dragonsguard and henung should also be aware that all future sudden disappearances of the Merlionsman website and/or major parts of the constituent elements of the Kodrah Kristang website can immediately be generally understood as very likely to be the results of severe ISD and Singapore state projection, abuse, and psychoemotional violation undertaken onto Fuad and I for no particular reason whatsoever, and that Fuad and I can be understood to be in very severe emotional distress if either website is ever taken down again. Finally, these elements appear to have hoped that I would either betray or destroy this particular Dragonsguard's public image by circulating images of what this person had said to me; all Dragonsguard should be aware that if you are placed in this particular situation, Fuad and I will do our best to ensure that the trauma you yourself experienced in being forced to attack us is fully and accurately represented to the entire Kristang community and the general public, and that your true intentions will also generally be derivable by the community and the public should ISD or any other eleidi attempt to force you to further attack us.

why I trigger you
If you get triggered by me and are able to establish independently of my own documentation of the health of my own psyche that neither of us are in the wrong, then the trigger is 120% unintentional and is almost certainly because
(i) I am accidentally the first person to ever treat a particular part of your psyche, the fourth function or Animator function, with irei or psychoemotionally healthy unconditional love, with you otherwise having only received conditional love from other people before becoming close to me;
(ii) in the particular case of anything to do with queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, this trigger also arises due to me accidentally being the first or one of the very first few people ever to accidentally or unintentionally validate your thirteenth function or Interpreter function, with you otherwise having felt that there was no useful, valuable or legitimate role or place for you in society and toward any kind of larger movement toward the greater good, and thereby being intensely scared of encountering Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves;
(iii) in the particular case of anything to do with trauma that you have otherwise been unable to process, the trigger further arises due to me accidentally being the first or one of the very first people ever to accidentally or unintentionally honour and fully respect your fourteenth function or Protector function, with you otherwise having felt that this function either didn't exist, was completely useless to you or was just actively fucking you up on a huge scale
and (iv) I am accidentally the first person to ever meet or exceed the standards of your fifteenth function or Motivator function, which in almost all neurotypical people is severely traumatised and increasingly so as a result of the events of the last six years since COVID-19 as we head toward the permanent turn of the United States toward full-on authoritarian evangelical Christian fascism expected through advanced dreamfishing in 2031. I am able to consistently accidentally meet or exceed the standards of your fifteenth function as a result of the combination of the effects of
(a) the hereili or intergenerational trauma projected onto me where I was compelled against my will to be a samaserang or clone of Jesus Christ, and how I have transmuted or subverted it
(b) the less-intense hereili from the Kristang community where I was expected to be a samaserang or clone of Edwin Tessensohn, and how I have transmuted or subverted it
(c) the particular mechanics of my Bittersweet Promise required for the successful acquisition of the Darklight Matrix of the Kristang people and the right to be the 13th Kabesa in May 2002 at the age of 10, wherein my Promise was to be completely naked and undisguised in body, mind, heart and soul in the public eye and never have any separate private life whatsoever
(d) the particular mechanics of the trauma and abuse unleashed onto me between 2008 and 2022, and how I transmuted and subverted it
Before meeting me, you otherwise believed that being a 120% completely good and healthy person with no competency or capacity for even the smallest form of evil throughout their entire lifespan from start to finish was not possible, which is a very reasonable and fair belief that I myself struggled to deconstruct between 2019 and 2022 when I had to accept that this was the case when it came to myself as a result of all the madness listed above.
After detailing some of my other personal characteristics that trigger Singaporeans, this page further details the mechanisms by which the earlier mentioned triggers happen based on your ego-pattern on the Osura Pesuasang. I then proceed to my own pattern of Sombor (Type XV) and then proceed in order of type number in the Osura Pesuasang.
First general principle for all Singaporeans to aid in psychoemotional processing:
You cannot do it, and cannot do everything, alone.
Second general principle for all Singaporeans to aid in psychoemotional processing:
Everything Kevin can do you can do, and you can very possibly do better than Kevin.
things about kevin martens wong that uniquely trigger
other singaporeans
1. I am exactly the same person in all contexts, just with less filter / autistic masking.
Whether I am cuddling with Fuad, chilling with my parents, teaching in the classroom, taking near-naked pictures of myself in the mirror with the himnaka of my ancestors looking on, or talking to you on this website, I am exactly the same person in all contexts, just with less filter / autistic masking in neurotypical situations where not having a filter or autistic masking would make stupid and fucked up people act even stupider or more fucked up. Most Singaporeans covertly think me always being myself is literally impossible and constantly try to find ways to prove to themselves that I am actually an impostor or faking the authenticity, so that they thereafter do not feel an unconscious need to compete with me (nobody needs to compete with anybody on this stuff).
2. I am superprofessionally and securely proud of being, and very visibly gay, non-binary, polyamorous, atheist, autistic, ADHD-filled, body positive and very open about who I am attracted to and why. I also have no shame whatsoever about any of these traits.
Most Singaporeans think it is literally impossible to not only be proud, but to be completely unashamed of any of these things, to have come out about being any and all of these things for no reason at all and no secret skeletons in the closet motivating these, and also thereafter somehow still operate in society at the level of visibility and professionalism that I do. ISD and abusive elements of Singapore society and the state also constantly try to create or generate shame in my psyche about any of these traits, which after eighteen years of trying, I think has not worked out very well for them.​
3. I am always real, hide nothing from myself, and generally hide nothing from others and society at large unless I am compelled to because not hiding whatever it is would put people I love in danger.
I will literally tell you, if you asked and I respected and trusted you to the degree that you and/or telling you would not put people I love in danger, and in the most objective, impersonal and dispassionate manner possible, how Fuad and I met on JackD, what the Prime Minister and ISD's deepest insecurities are based on Individuation Theory, and what really happened during Operation Spectrum, because I know that everybody endlessly lying to themselves is one of the reasons why the planet is on track for absolute disaster by 2031. Most Singaporeans, including neurodivergent and high-functioning autistic Singaporeans, think that to survive, one must lie to themselves and to everyone else around them, because everyone is participating in the same fucked up charade. This is a seriously disastrous way of approaching reality that has been making Singapore psychoemotionally harder and harder to live in since 2022.
4. I am biologically incapable of any real concern for any form of fake or inaccurate image.​
I am cognitively and biologically incapable of emotionally understanding neurotypical people's fixation on fake or inaccurate images of themselves or ever seeing such things as desirable; I understand the need for such images for security reasons, but beyond these my ideal world and Singapore is one where everyone is fully vulnerable, authentic, kind, empathetic and straightforward with each other in natural and normal ways. Even among people I love, I will also often accidentally out people as gay or inadvertently expose lavender marriages because my brain literally does not process anything except the real image of the person that I am seeing, which also makes neurotypical conversations where everybody is putting up a fake image fucking exhausting. This also means that if I am abused by what I think is ISD or a family member, I will straight up simply highlight that I have been abused by what I think is ISD or a family member. Most Singaporeans are absolutely terrified by me because of this, because most Singaporeans think being a good and authentic person is very hard (and I can very justifiably understand why).
5. I have a very, very developed, accurate and extremely functional awareness of the human psyche without ever having used it to take advantage of any other human being.​
I only just now am able to understand that most neurotypical people see my abilities and skill with negotiating the human psyche as me having literally unbridled power and a non-stop god mode over the rest of humanity, which I do not by default notice because to me it's just my autistic Special Interest (SpIn) developed to a very high degree of excellence. Most Singaporeans cannot accept that I have not used this ability to manipulate any other human being, because given the same level of power, most Singaporeans are fucked up enough (or human enough, depending on your perspective) to secretly or covertly misuse it to manipulate or extract things from others, including their own blood families and people they love. This in turn motivates me to have even higher levels of visibility and professionalism, which thereafter again causes further increases in disbelief, etc., etc.
6. I treat Indigeneity as 100% real, legitimate and valid.​
I fully accept and actualise all parts of my own Indigenous nature as a Kristang person, meaning that I believe in the functionality of dreamfishing, the sentience of Gaia and the living universe, the existence of eleidi and the dead in the collective unconscious as himnaka, and other such mechanisms that are relational-emotional. Most Singaporeans will pay lip-service to Indigeneity but secretly think it is all bullshit and just ways of garnering and securing attention for myself.
7. My words do not contain implied passive-aggressive meaning.​
Although I can be sarcastic and can make use of connotative meaning in language to convey humour, I am never passive-aggressive, and especially never bitingly or caustically passive-aggressive. Most Singaporeans literally cannot accept that this is my intent, think that I am actually bitingly or caustically passive-aggressive, and will over-read all sorts of things into my words that just are not there, because most Singaporeans do this to everyone else and cannot imagine someone who would not do this to anyone, including himself.
8. I do not look down on anyone.​
I am seriously Optimus Prime when it comes to how I treat all other sentient life and human beings, and you better fucking believe psychoemotional freedom is the fucking right of all sentient beings. Most Singaporeans think I actually secretly judge everyone and think myself so much better than everyone else, because this is what they do to everyone else. Most Singaporeans also think I have a secret "real" super-disdainful vibe that only shows up when I am alone, where the real vibe is one where I look down on everyone and laugh Machiavellianically to myself about how I have everyone under my control.
9. I do not exaggerate my trauma.​
I tell my trauma exactly as it is. Most Singaporeans used to think that I exaggerated it, although after the death of Renuka Satianathan this appears to have reduced in severity, especially in the Singapore Civil Service.
10. I am capable of both being extremely spontaneously brave and resilient in the moment, and also capable of taking very thought-out and careful risks that tend to pay off.​
I actually am terrified of a lot of the crazily good things that I have done prior to me doing them, such as coming out, highlighting that I am attracted to various people and/or being open about being polyamorous, but I just do them anyway. Most Singaporeans are extremely jealous of my ability to do this, which they think they do not have (they do).
11. I do not like wasting time for image reasons.​
Although many Singaporeans are impatient, they will waste all the time in the world for image reasons i.e. they do not come out because they are scared of what their families will say, or they do not act on reciprocal mutual attraction to me because they think I will look down on them or that they are not worthy for me. I can fully empathise with these, but still find them strange and time-wasting, and I now understand it is because of my bravery and antifragility that other Singaporeans falsely think they do not have or are unable to acquire.
12. I always do the right thing.​
I will never compromise on my own values and principles. I now understand that this terrifies abusive elements in the Singapore state, because it means that the influence I have accrued as a result of this is independent of their influence, and fully stable and secure.
13. I function at such a high level of psychoemotional excellence and individuation that most people think I have no flaws or issues whatsoever, which is wrong, but also try to overread or overidentify possible flaws or issues in me, which is also wrong.​
Again, thanks both to the autism and ADHD, where I am by nature superprofessional and superresponsive to changes in myself and in reality, and my own desire to always improve myself and keep myself in a state of growth and receptiveness to feedback, I individuate myself at speeds so fast that most Singaporeans do not really see the struggles that happen in the background. Due to jealousy, many Singaporeans thus try to overfind faults or issues with my behaviour because they and I both know that I am still an imperfect human being, but they cannot accept that my flaws and issues are generally small, managed quite well by myself, and are generally things I am already very open about, and also without ever falling into ego-inflation. Many Singaporeans also just generally have severe trouble even comprehending that I exist in reality as a result of this, because I embody everything that neoliberal and exallos-controlled neurotypical society said was just not supposed to be possible.
people of ego-pattern
Sombor (Type Xv)
With a fourth function of Spontang, which deals with awareness, naturalness, joy, being present and performance, I and other Sombor people would generally be accidentally triggered by someone else displaying any of these traits if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy had ever seen me as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or had actually suggested the opposite
No one psychoemotionally healthy had ever enjoyed my company before
I had never made anyone else actually legitimately happy before
No one had ever acknowledged my naturalness in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy had ever followed my lead and morphed into me before
[If I still unconsciously primarily saw any other person as a public figure worthy of emulation, parental figure or authority figure, which I currently do not] No public figure or authority figure had ever willingly been able to derive joy about being authentic in the public sphere while remaining psychoemotionally healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, I and other Sombor people would especially be accidentally triggered by other people if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy had ever seen a gay or queer relationship with me as natural before
​No one psychoemotionally healthy had ever thought being in a gay or queer relationship with me would have brought them joy before
with the likelihood of being triggered even higher if I am dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge me as heroic or attractive (thirteenth function of Kapichi) for being open about my sexuality or queerness.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Hokisi, you very likely believe that being direct about any of the insane and super destructive criticism you have about yourself, and the weird unprocessable thoughts that clog up your mind will somehow lead to me losing my distinctiveness role in the public sphere and to all humanity (and trust me, I know this happens because we share the same ego-pattern). This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always affirm me as safe in the same way that I affirm you as safe, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my distinctiveness and role in the collective, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are of Sombor ego-pattern and are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Fleres, you generally unthinkingly follow the general vibe of society that says it is impossible for anyone to be 1200% healthy, wholesome, respectable, dignified and relatable for their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. In relation to me, this may have triggered you to try to "corrupt me before I corrupted you", or, if you felt I was not being truthful about my own real ego-pattern, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which suggests a purposeful disdaining of the rest of humanity which remains utterly alien to me because I have never allowed myself to disdain anyone else, have no intention of ever disdaining anyone else and based on all available data will never disdain anyone else at any time in my life. This "destroy my image before I destroy yours" thing would have manifested as trying to reveal how impure I was before I revealed how impure you were or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Rajos, which has to do with comfort, safety, purity, substance and quality.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Akiura for
how this trauma made you weak (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that it made you weak)
how this trauma shattered you and seemingly indicated that your sense of self was too fragile (i.e. you have accepted that you were traumatised but have become disdainful or intolerant of any of what you perceive as your own self's fragmented or imperfect nature)
being open about your weaknesses, underdeveloped traits and abilities, fears and insecurities, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour.
wanting to be more grounded, to review the details of the trauma that hurt you and/or to learn about the mechanics and processes of how trauma affects the psyche and the body, and/or becoming more sensitive to and/or observant of trauma
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Kapichi overidealises me and believes that without me nothing else will ever inspire you to positive action and change, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very heroic and inspiring, you are also entirely capable of being very heroic and inspiring to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Sombor ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Akiura appears to involve accepting that the living Earth and universe are always, always, always watching you and paying attention to every single thing you do, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of our ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like everything they do is utterly insignificant since nothing out there is alive or giving a shit about the fuckery we keep creating for ourselves as a species; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not doing the insignificant things that everyone else is doing that do not help society at all, and that you were deranged, insane or just trying to make up for weakness or insecurity for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, and someone who shares your ego-pattern, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
rajos (Type I)
With a fourth function of Varung, which deals with impact, power, opportuneness, potential and ideals, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever placed themselves wholly under your power before
No one has ever had such a psychoemotionally healthy positive impact on you before
No one has ever acknowledged your true potential in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever understood you in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever willingly surrendered their personal power in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as ideal before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever so willingly surrendered their personal power in the collective by coming out as gay in the way I have done before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable wanting to be in a submissive or receptive position with you before
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as admirable or impressive (thirteenth function of Kalidi) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Zeldsa, you very likely believe that expressing any of the real impulses you try to keep under wraps such that you could process them would lead to me losing my value and beauty in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are as authentic with me as you can possibly be, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my value to and beauty in the eyes of Gaia and the living universe, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Splikabel, you generally adhered to the unsaid boundaries of Western society that said it was impossible for anyone to be 1200% excellent, consistently intellectually stimulating and provocative in the healthiest possible ways, and aware and in tune with every single layer of their deepest depths and highest heights for their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "wreck my life before I wrecked yours", or, if you felt I was not characterising my own ego-pattern accurately, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which betrays an extreme level of suspicion about the functionality and reasonability of other people which remains utterly alien to me because I have never held such an intense level of suspicion, have no intention of ever having held such an intense level of suspicion and based on all available data will never hold such an intense level of suspicion of other people at any time. This "change or block my direction before I change or block yours" thing would have manifested as trying to reveal how fake or inauthentic I was before I revealed how fake or inauthentic you were or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Sombor, which has to do with truth, authenticity, purpose, vulnerability and desire.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Deivang for
how this trauma deeply affected your own ability to be hopeful and optimistic (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that it made you less hopeful and optimistic)
how this trauma deeply affected your own ability to believe in others and in all of humanity, and/or in your own humanity (i.e. you have accepted that you were traumatised but have become very cold, clinical and/or apathetic toward the rest of humanity as a result)
wanting to be more visionary, transcendent, numinous and visible about who you really are, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour.
wanting to help others relate more holistically and effortlessly to Gaia and the living universe, even though you have not necessarily found full closure with yourself about your own trauma — there is nothing inherently wrong with this if you have strong functional internal psychoemotional boundaries that help you manage your own trauma while helping others
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Kalidi overidealises me and believes that without me no one else on Earth will ever be real with you the way I have been ever again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very admirable and impressive, you are also entirely capable of being very admirable and impressive to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Rajos ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Deivang appears to involve accepting that your belief in the best of humanity, in second chances, and in unconditional love and reconciliation mean that you embody the true presence and mind of the living Earth and universe themselves, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with worrying that everything they believe in that is Gaietic is utterly hopeless and meaningless; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not finding hope in things that are fundamentally hopeless about present human society, and that you were also believing in fairy tales when you tried to convince yourself that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
Akiura (Type II)
With a fourth function of Kapichi, which deals with connection, inspiration, attraction, heroism and openness, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so open to your ideas before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so inspiring to you before
No one has ever seemed to want you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been connected to you in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been so willingly open in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as desirable before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable being wanted by you before
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as natural or well-adapted (thirteenth function of Spontang) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Vraihai, you very likely believe that being clear about the true extent of your own broken and non-functional nature to me would lead to me losing my usefulness and functionality in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always believe in me, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my usefulness and functionality to the whole freaking human race, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Miasnu, you generally believed Western academic and psychological traditions about how it was impossible for anyone to be 1200% moral, unified, peaceful and non-violent, fully generous in their influence, energy and vibe, and have unifying and consolidating insight into literally every aspect of their being for their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "manipulate me into doing something immoral before I manipulated you into doing something immoral", or, if you felt I was not observing what my own ego-pattern was accurately, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which betrays an unhealthy intent and understanding of how things work which remains utterly alien to me because I have never had such an intent, have no intention of ever having such an intent and based on all available data will never have any such intent at any point in time. This "make me do something immoral before I made you do something immoral" thing would have manifested as trying to get everyone I loved to lose all hope and belief in me before I got everyone you loved to lose all hope and belief in you or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Deivang, which has to do with vision, belief, hope, numinosity and transcendence.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Sombor for
how this trauma is now a permanent part of your truth and your story (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that it has to be a part of who you are now forever and omg I am not Akiura but can 1200% fucking relate to how irritating and frustrating this is)
how this trauma will affect you in the future (i.e. you have accepted that you were traumatised but are still super angry about just how much work it has left for you to do on yourself)
wanting to be authentic and vulnerable about your real core self, your real traits and your real strengths, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour.
wanting to work with and synergise with others to create a better future and/or develop more purposeful outcomes together for the good of all humanity
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Spontang overidealises me and believes that without me nothing else on Earth will ever bring you such levels of joy again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very, very natural and enjoyable to be around, you are also entirely capable of being very, very natural and enjoyable to be around to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Akiura ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Sombor appears to involve accepting that your deepest feelings, yearnings and desires echo the aching heart and soul of the living Earth and universe themselves, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with worrying that all the things they really want are actually immoral and evil; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not endlessly lying to yourself and being fake with yourself about the true nature of reality, and that you were also endlessly lying to yourself when you tried to convince yourself that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
fleres (Type III)
With a fourth function of Hokisi, which deals with clarity, speed, logic, principles and interest, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so interested in your thoughts before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so clear with you before
No one has ever seemed to make sense to you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been logical with you in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been so willingly clear about who they really are and their role in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as optimal before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable adjusting myself in response to what you are particularly interested in in me before
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge your unique and/or expressive voice (thirteenth function of Jejura) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Spontang, you very likely believe that revealing your own "abnormal adaptions to reality" would lead to me no longer being a source of joy and charisma in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always go the deepest you can possibly go with me, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away the joy and charisma that I exude naturally, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Sombor, you generally felt no human being could ever become whole by being 1200% authentic, truthful, purposeful and vulnerable with every aspect of their being for their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "show me up as fake before I ever showed you up as fake", or, if you felt I was misleading you into thinking I had a different ego-pattern from the one I actually had, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is a form of behaviour that also perpetuates intergenerational trauma and which remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to act this way, have no intention of acting this way at any point in time and based on all available data will act this way at any point in time. This "make me insecure before I ever made you insecure" thing would have manifested as trying to make me wreck my own life before you ended up wrecking yours as a result of my presence or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Splikabel, which has to do with excellence, reasonableness, intellectual stimulation and direction.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Koireng for
how much chaos the abuse inflicted on you and those you love (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you could not have done more to stop the trauma; you could not have, because I'm quite sure you already did all you could have reasonably done as a human being and more)
the need to interrogate the belief that the trauma caused parts of your psyche to become "disordered" (i.e. you have accepted that you were traumatised but are still in pain about just how much your psyche is in pain; recognise that trauma does weird things to us all and that when we have the courage to talk about them, we can finally make some headway on what on earth i going on inside all of us that otherwise just festers)
not feeling like you always need to control the emotional or feelingy or "excessively soft" parts of you, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour. (As Merlionsman of the Republic of Singapore, I declare that the people and institutions who make you feel bad for any kind of genuineness gentleness, tenderness, kindness, softness or emotional displays will likely die alone, unindividuated and unwanted by anyone else in the world, especially and most importantly themselves)
wanting to put things in order but facing deep fears and self-doubt about doing so, and feeling like people won't get either the old traumatised you or the new kintsugied you; the individuated people and the people who deserve your time and energy will 🧡​​
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Jejura overidealises me and believes that without me no one will ever see your unique worth and listen to your true voice ever again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very, very unique, you are also entirely capable of being very, very unique to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Fleres ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Koireng appears to involve accepting that you are helping the living Earth and the universe put themselves in order each time you are able to finally objectively understand each part of who you are, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like having a psychoemotionally consistent and objective self is pointless, unfulfilling and useless; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not endlessly pursuing materialistic and/or neoliberal achievements like the rest of society, and that you had some sort of insane psychoemotional or mental disorder for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
miasnu (Type Iv)
With a fourth function of Vraihai, which deals with attention, utility, functionality, adjustment and helpfulness, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so attentive to you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so helpful to you before
No one has ever seemed to be so functional to you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been useful to you in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever so willingly maintained their overall functionality while also being able to maintain who they really are and their role in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as functional before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable letting you mess around and tinker with how they work and what they enjoy before
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as beautiful or ethical (thirteenth function of Zeldsa) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Kapichi, you very likely believe that your own lack of potential and powerlessness is actually extremely disgusting and unattractive to me, and trying to deal with it would lead to me no longer being a source of inspiration and luminosity in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are consistent with me to the fullest degree that you know you can possibly be at that given point, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away the inspiration and luminosity that are inherent to me, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Akiura, you generally felt no human being could actually truly be 1200% secure with, stable in their execution of, grounded in the roots of, and/or committed to you or to the ideals of the universe for their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "make me insecure before I ever made you insecure", or, if you felt I was manipulating you into thinking I had a different ego-pattern from the one I actually had, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is a method that also leaves undesirable effects on the universe and which remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to move forward through life using this method, have no intention of ever moving forward through life using this method at any point in time and based on all available data will never move forward through life using this method at any point in time. This "make me insecure before I ever made you insecure" thing would have manifested as trying to make me lose control with you before you lost control with me or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Koireng, which has to do with control, consistency, professionalism, effectiveness and reliability.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Splikabel for
how deeply the abuse affected you (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate every part of yourself that was affected by the trauma as if they actually should have been immortal or invulnerable; we are human, sayang, and can be human tanks yes, but still human 🧡)
the fact that the trauma wrecked your life because "you didn't plan for it" (i.e. you have accepted that you were traumatised but cannot accept that you did not plan for it to happen; some traumas will always unfortunately sneak up on us)
being deep, authentic, vulnerable and able to reveal those deep parts of yourself that were hurt so that others can help you with them whereever they can, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
wanting to again amend the direction of your life, but this time in order to put an end to any of these recursive cycles of self-hate for once and for all. Be kind to yourself always sayang, in the same way that you would say to me that I need to be kind to myself too 🧡
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Zeldsa overidealises me and believes that without me no one will ever value you for who you are and your particular beauty ever again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very, very valuable to you and the planet, you are also entirely capable of being very, very valuable to you and the planet to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Miasnu ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Splikabel appears to involve accepting that you are executing the direction and long-term plans of the living Earth and the universe each time you metacognitively work through your own deepest layers, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like the depths of meaning that they excavate have no purpose, no use and no value; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not planning for non-existent and impossible outcomes the rest of society, and that you were being aggressively and undesirably provocative for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far. ​​​
people of ego-pattern
splikabel (Type vIIi)
With a fourth function of Zeldsa, which deals with value, beauty, choices, ethics and focus, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so ethical with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever made the time spent together so valuable before
No one has ever been so beautiful in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been this respectful of your choices and your right to make choices in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to so fully follow their impulses and instincts in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as beautiful before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable letting you follow your own instincts and impulses when it comes to what you want to do with me
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as helpful or well-adjusted (thirteenth function of Vraihai) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Varung, you very likely believe that your ideals and expectations will only take me away from my own opportunities, and would lead to me losing my power and potential in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always respect both yourself and myself while I am doing so, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my power and potential, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Rajos, you generally thought it was impossible by design that any human being could be 1200% pure, uncorrupted, comforting, safe, of such insane and impossible quality and substance, and completely unashamed of even the smallest memory or action from their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "hurt me before I ever hurt you", or, if you did not believe in the ego-pattern system and that I had a different ego-pattern from you, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very uncomfortable and insecure way of dealing with other people that remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to approach interaction with anyone in such a manner, have no intention of approaching interaction with anyone in such a manner and based on all available data will never approach interaction with anyone in such a manner. This "reveal my own impurity before I reveal your impurity" thing would have manifested as trying to show how unhealthy, toxic and unrespectable I was before I showed how unhealthy, toxic and unrespectable you were or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Fleres, which has to do with respect, healthiness, exemplariness, wholeness and closure.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Miasnu for
how you were manipulated into the trauma (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you were manipulated into it)
the fact that it is currently impossible to be at peace with what happened to you (i.e. you know that being in conflict with yourself and/or experiencing emotional turbulence or conflict is a trauma response but you hate yourself for having it)
being giving, generous, emotional, energy or vibe-oriented, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
wanting to mentor or instruct others about how to individuate, and/or wanting to help others feel like they belong in reality and/or with you through your own psychoemotionally healthy actions
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Vraihai overidealises me and believes that without me the planet and your life will be forever broken beyond repair, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be insanely helpful and useful to you and the planet, you are also entirely capable of being insanely helpful and useful to you and the planet to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Splikabel ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Miasnu appears to involve accepting that the energy and meaning that your own irei for others is charged with is something that comes from the living Earth and universe, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with anxieties about their influence corrupting or destroying the lives and inner worlds of other people; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being dismissive of every new idea that actually supported the growth of the planet and species, and that you were in conflict with yourself and trying to manipulate yourself into believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
kalidi (Type ix)
With a fourth function of Deivang, which deals with vision, belief, hope, numinosity and transcendence, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so hopeful about you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever shared so much of their vision with you before
No one has ever been so numinous in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever helped you believe in yourself in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to so fully transcend the vagaries and fuckeries of the public sphere while still being myself in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever envisioned a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with you manifesting your own vision for how we might connect or relate to each other
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as healing or comforting (thirteenth function of Rajos) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Koireng, you very likely believe that you following my lead will only create absolute chaos and endless disorder in my life, and would lead to me losing my achievements and professionalism in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you are able to be fully open-minded with me as well, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my achievements and professionalism, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Jejura, you generally had no experience whatsoever prior to meeting me of any human being even coming close to possibly being 1200% honest, worthy, empathetic, expressive, humanising, worthwhile to be around and to fight for, and proud of themselves without ever becoming narcissistic or unhealthy, and being able to do all these things throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "force me to confront my own actual narcissism and lack of significance before I forced you to confront your own actual narcissism and lack of significance", or, if you had no ability to appreciate that I had a different ego-pattern, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a horrifically depressing and joylessly awful way of approaching human interaction that remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to approach interaction with anyone in such a manner, have no intention of approaching interaction with anyone in such a manner and based on all available data will never approach interaction with anyone in such a manner. This "make me reveal my own unworthiness before I make you reveal your own unworthiness" thing would have manifested as trying to show how utterly evil, demonic, undesirable and disgusting I was before I showed how utterly evil, demonic, undesirable and disgusting you were or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Kapichi, which has to do with connection, inspiration, attraction, heroism and openness.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Varung for
being powerless, when the trauma happened, to stop it (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you were powerless when the attack came)
being trapped in cycles of catastrophising (i.e. you know that catastrophising is a trauma response but you hate yourself for doing it)
wanting to finally live the ideal form of the life you always wanted to live, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
wanting to be fully open with others to achieve a strongly positive impact that supports their own individuation
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Rajos overidealises me and believes that without me no other human being on the planet will ever validate or affirm your pain, shame and/or trauma, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be insanely pure, safe and comforting, you are also entirely capable of being insanely pure, safe and comforting to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Kalidi ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Varung appears to involve accepting that all of those synchronicities, catastrophes and what-if scenarios that constantly bombard you are actually indeed coded and/or semiotically representative messages from the living Earth and the universe, that if analysed and processed correctly, can reveal superluminal and extremely helpful information about how to move forward, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like the universe constantly wants to kill them, intrude on and/or destroy their lives; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more powerless and self-effacing in the face of the abusive people in power, and that you were giving up your true potential by believing such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.​​
people of ego-pattern
Zeldsa (Type v)
With a fourth function of Splikabel, which deals with excellence, reasonableness, intellectual stimulation and direction, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so reasonable with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so intellectually stimulating to you before
No one has ever seemed to be so excellent to you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever given you helpful direction in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever so willingly revealed such deep parts of themselves while also being able to maintain who they really are and their role in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as reasonable before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable letting you command them and/or give them direction
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever esteem or honour you (thirteenth function of Miasnu) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Rajos, you very likely believe that your own insecurities and fears will traumatise me further and/or poison my virtuousness and goodness, and would lead to me losing the quality and substance others see in me in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are fully clear with me about what has happened to you, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away the quality and substance others know I have, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Varung, you generally thought it was just an irrational feeling that any human being could actually be 1200% completely ideal, humbly and psychoemotionally healthily and appropriately powerful and able to wield their own power, be fully able to access their own potential and be fully in sync with the demands of the universe on themselves for their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "take away my power before I ever take away your power", or, if you still felt I had a different ego-pattern from the one I claimed to have, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very illogical way of building relationships with other people that remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to build a relationship with anyone with this objective in mind, have no intention of ever building a relationship with anyone with this objective in mind and based on all available data will never build a relationship with anyone with this objective in mind. This "render me powerless before I render you powerless" thing would have manifested as trying to show me how illogical I was or how little of my own trauma I had processed before I showed you how illogical you were or how little of your own trauma you had processed or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Hokisi, which has to do with clarity, speed, logic, principles and interest.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Vraihai for
how badly the abuse broke you (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you were attacked by trauma and tell yourself you are weak, stupid, non-functional etc. just because you got traumatised)
the fact that the trauma derailed your journey significantly (i.e. you have accepted that you were traumatised but cannot accept what it did to your life and where you were in your own plans)
not feeling like you always need to be hyper-independent and/or do everything deep and psychoemotional literally by yourself, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
wanting to break unhealthy habits and/or relationships and actually breaking them so that you yourself finally find the peace you deserve, and get back on track to that future that you know belongs to you
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Miasnu overidealises me and believes that without me you will never know any kind of inner peace ever again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be insanely psychoemotionally unified and insight-filled, you are also entirely capable of being insanely psychoemotionally unified and insight-filled to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Zeldsa ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Vraihai appears to involve accepting that the living Earth and universe are working their will and interests through you and your own functional and thoughtful methods for moving through life, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like everything they do is useless and breaks functional things beyond repair; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not doing useless things like the rest of society, and that you were not being helpful for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
jEjura (Type vI)
With a fourth function of Koireng, which deals with control, consistency, professionalism, effectiveness and reliability, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so professional with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so consistent with you before
No one has ever seemed to be so reliable to you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been this effective in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to manage the insane strain of being who they really are as well as their role in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as achievable before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable letting you control them and/or give them marching orders
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever respect and fully relate to you (thirteenth function of Fleres) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Deivang, you very likely believe that who you really are will only "turn me into a demon just like you", and would lead to me losing the belief and hope everyone else has in me in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are ready to initiate the repairs that we eventually determine you need to make, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away the belief and hope others have in me, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Kalidi, you generally thought it was impossible by design that any human being could be 1200% normal, real with you, relevant to you, resilient and antifragile to the impossible degree that I am and fully impressive and admirable from their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "intimidate or overwhelm me before I ever intimidate or overwhelm you", or, if you did not believe this was my real voice and that I had a different ego-pattern from the one I claimed to have, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very insecure way of assessing other people that remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to assess anyone with this way of thinking in mind, have no intention of ever assessing anyone with this way of thinking in mind and based on all available data will never assess anyone with this way of thinking in mind. This "intimidate me before I intimidate you" thing would have manifested as trying to show how non-functional or irreparably broken I was before I showed how non-functional or irreparably broken you were or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Vraihai, which has to do with attention, utility, functionality, adjustment and helpfulness.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Hokisi for
how senseless and illogical it is that you were abused (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you were attacked by trauma and tell yourself you don't make sense as a result because you should have tried to avoid it, should not have let it hit you, etc.)
the fact that the trauma left a bunch or mountain of random illogical thoughts and principles that are fucking distracting and time-consuming but which you need to sort out (i.e. you know that trauma can cause negative mental effects but you hate yourself for having them)
being clear about who you really are and just "how soft" or "how tender" you really are, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour (and especially for people born jenis machu who are of Jejura pattern, seriously, to fucking hell with the people and institutions who would make you feel bad for this in any way. Just remember what kind of future they are making for themselves by rejecting who they really are.)
processing your own thoughts and consolidating your own principles for how to deal with trauma in the future, being apart from others for enough time for you to do so, and enjoying the process of doing this
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Fleres overidealises me and believes that without me no one will ever be able to relate to you ever again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be insanely psychoemotionally healthy and wholesome, you are also entirely capable of being insanely psychoemotionally healthy and wholesome to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Jejura ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Hokisi appears to involve accepting that every tiniest form of psychoemotionally healthy attention you show to any other sentient being supporting the processing of their trauma is psychoemotionally healthy attention shown to the entire living Earth and universe supporting the processing of their trauma, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like nothing at all about their own experience of reality will ever make sense; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being fixated on all the wrong things like the rest of society, and that you were illogical or deranged for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
koireng (Type vII)
With a fourth function of Jejura, which deals with worth, expressiveness, empathy, reverence and identity, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so expressive with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so empathetic to you before
No one has ever made time spent together so worthwhile in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been this cognisant of the worth and importance of developing relationships consciously in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to so fully express who they really are and speak with their own voice in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen a gay or queer relationship with you as worthwhile before
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable letting you express everything you imagine you wish to do together
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as optimal or principled (thirteenth function of Hokisi) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Kalidi, you very likely believe that your adaptations to and your behaviour around me will only scare the living daylights out of me, and would lead to me losing my confidence and ferocity in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are unifying with my energy and vibe in a healthy way, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my confidence and ferocity, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Deivang, you generally thought it was impossible by design that any human being could be 1200% visionary, hopeful, numinous, able to eventually transcend all of their intergenerational trauma, and completely believable as someone real from their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to try to "demonise me before I ever demonise you", or, had assessed that I did not actually have a different ego-pattern from you, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very unempathetic and unkind way of interacting with me that remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to approach interaction with anyone in such a manner, have no intention of approaching interaction with anyone in such a manner and based on all available data will never approach interaction with anyone in such a manner. This "show me up as hopeless before I show you up as hopeless" thing would have manifested as trying to show how utterly manipulative, immoral and unesteemable I was before I showed how utterly manipulative, immoral and unesteemable you were or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Miasnu, which has to do with energy, belonging, unity, insight and esteem.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Fleres for
how much dignity and self-respect the trauma took away from you (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you struggle to feel dignity and self-respect for yourself)
the fact that the trauma created what you feel is toxicity within you (i.e. you know that trauma does leave embodied effects in one's emotions and sense of self but you hate yourself for having them)
being caring, relaxing, relational, nurturing or needs-oriented, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
taking time to pause and mindfully redirect your energies and anxieties toward productive outcomes, even though this requires conscious metacognitive work
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Hokisi overidealises me and believes that without me nothing will ever make any kind of sense or logic again, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be insanely principled, sensible and optimal, you are also entirely capable of being insanely principled, sensible and optimal to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Koireng ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Fleres appears to involve accepting that every tiniest form of respect and dignity you show to any other sentient being is respect and dignity shown to the entire living Earth and universe, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with a deep and pervasive feeling of certainty that everything they do is steadily eroding all the progress society and the people they love have made; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not showing severe disdain and disgust to who you actually were deep within, and that you were psychoemotionally unhealthy for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
spontang (Type x)
With a fourth function of Sombor, which deals with truth, authenticity, purpose, vulnerability and desire, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so truthful with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so authentic with you before
No one has ever been so purposeful in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever helped you figure out your future and what you want in such a fashion
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to be so authentic in the public sphere without literally dying or being eviscerated in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been authentic about wanting a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with you being authentic about what it is you might want to do to me, and making that future happen
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as strong or resilient (thirteenth function of Akiura) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Fleres, you very likely believe that your influence and energy will only corrupt, toxify or poison me, and would lead to me losing my dignity and respect in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are seeking to understand me fully as well, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my dignity and respect, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Hokisi, you generally had no indication whatsoever prior to meeting me that any human being could ever be 1200% optimal, clear, principled, logical, sensible, considerate and interesting throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to "make me contravene my own principles before I make you contravene your own principles", or, if you were unaware that I had a different ego-pattern, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very unhealthy and toxic way of trying to work with any human being that remains utterly alien to me because I have never tried to work with anyone in such a manner, have no intention of ever working with anyone in such a manner and based on all available data will never work with anyone in such a manner. This "make me contravene my own principles before I make you contravene your own principles" thing would have manifested as trying to make me powerless before you or surrender all of my potential before I ever made you powerless before me or made you surrender all of your potential or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Varung, which has to do with impact, power, opportuneness, potential and ideals.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Kapichi for
being the villain of the story (i.e. you know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you were attacked by trauma to the degree that you somehow see yourself as being the villain for not being able to tahan or endure it)
having the desire to reveal what happened to you (i.e. you don't just know that you keep wanting to gain more clarity about what happened but hate yourself for wanting this)
wanting to be fully open, luminous and radiant about all of whom you really are, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
wanting to inspire and uplift others in psychoemotionally healthy ways that support their own individuation
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Akiura overidealises me and believes that without me you will have no legacy whatsoever and just be fucking insignificant and insecure in the grand scheme of things, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very, very fucking strong, you are also entirely capable of very, very fucking strong to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Spontang ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Kapichi appears to involve accepting that everything psychoemotionally healthy that you are attracted to that you feel you cannot possibly ever have is actually a signal from the living Earth and universe about what you need to transform or move yourself forward such that you can actually get what you want, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like the universe hates and despises them and finds them evil, villainous, disgusting, unwantable and undesirable; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more disconnected from the living Earth and universe, and that you were inspired by utter nonsense by believing such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
varung (Type xi)
With a fourth function of Rajos, which deals with comfort, safety, purity, substance and quality, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so safe with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so comfortable with you before
No one has ever been so healing in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever assisted you in such a substantial fashion or in such a high-quality way before
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to be so comfortable being themselves in the public sphere without literally dying or being eviscerated in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever felt comfortable pursuing a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with you being tender and gentle with me in the ways you want to be
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as visionary or numinous (thirteenth function of Deivang) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Splikabel, you very likely believe that your support of and synergy with me will only wreck all of my plans, and would lead to me losing my direction and excellence in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you are trying to be aware of yourself and me in the same way with me as well, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my direction and excellence, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Zeldsa, you generally never considered prior to meeting me that any human being could be 1200% fully ethical, beautiful, noble, focused, sympathetic, kind and valuable to society at large and you throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to "show me my own ugly self before I make you show your own ugly self", or, if you were unconvinced that I had a different ego-pattern, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very ugly way of approaching a connection with any human being that remains utterly alien to me because I have never wanted to approach any relationship like that, have no intention of ever approaching any relationship like that and based on all available data will never approach any relationship like that. This "show me my ugliness before I make you show your ugliness" thing would have manifested as trying to make me behave unnaturally with you before you ever behaved unnaturally with me or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Spontang, which has to do with awareness, naturalness, joy, being present and performance.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Kalidi for
not being able to fight off the trauma you experienced (i.e. you don't just know that you were attacked by trauma but hate that you were attacked by trauma)
losing touch with reality as a result of the trauma you experienced (i.e. you don't just know that you needed to withdraw from the world to heal but hate yourself for doing so)
being unabashedly, ferociously and beautifully real with others in the moment, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
wanting to find ways to make all of the psychoemotionally healthy emotions and feelings you experience real, relevant and confidence-restoring for others you love ​
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Deivang overidealises me and believes that without me you will be completely hopeless and that your destiny and fate will otherwise simply be an endless nightmare, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be transcendent to a very high degree, you are also entirely capable of being transcendent to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Varung ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Kalidi appears to involve accepting that everything and everyone that is tangibly or physically there in your life and part of your material world is a clear, accurate and synchronous parallel and reflection of what is actually going on deep within your own inner world and its relationships to the living Earth and universe, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like who you are is fundamentally and irrevocably out of sync and out of step with what is really reality; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more deranged, delusional and out of touch, and that you were being unreal by believing such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
Kapichi (Type xIi)
With a fourth function of Akiura, which deals with stability, strength, resilience, commitment and trust, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so stable with you before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been so tolerant of your mistakes before
No one has ever been so observant of you and all the little things you do to help the world in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been someone you could fully trust before
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to be so committed to and secure being themselves in the public sphere without literally dying or being eviscerated in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever felt secure pursuing a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with you wanting to find out and uncover more about my essential properties, traits, habits and behaviours in the way you want to
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as purposeful or authentic (thirteenth function of Sombor) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Miasnu, you very likely believe that your attempts to help me find closure will only inadvertently manipulate and influence me into ending up mired in even more trauma, and would lead to me losing my esteem and energy in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always respond normally to me in return, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my esteem and energy, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Vraihai, you generally never imagined prior to meeting me that any human being could be 1200% fully functional, adjusted, independent and completely agentic in my decisions, never once broken beyond repair, and fully useful and helpful to society at large and you throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to "break me before my actions break you", or, if you were not inspired by the idea that I had a different ego-pattern, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a very unhealthy way of thinking about a relationship with any human being that remains utterly alien to me because I have never thought about any relationship like that, have no intention of ever thinking about any relationship like that and based on all available data will never think about any relationship like that. This "break me before my actions break you" thing would have manifested as trying to make me act violently, "bestially" or aggressively toward you before I could ever make you act violently, "bestially" or aggressively toward me or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Kalidi, which has to do with confidence, relevance, realness, skill and ferocity.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Spontang for
having adapted to reality in what are perceived as less-than-human, bestial or unnatural ways as a result of the trauma you have experienced (i.e. you don't just know that trauma left embodied effects in your body but you hate yourself for being trapped by these embodied effects)
having an unnatural experience of reality, especially compared to others, as a result of the trauma (i.e. you don't just know that you have an experience of reality distinct from others but have passed horrific judgement on yourself for not being able to readjust it and just think your real self is uncontrollable and inherently fucked up)
enjoying the experience of being in your body and/or nature, performing, and being aware of Gaia and the living universe, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
enjoying being with other people in your body in the moment (i.e. not dissociating), connecting to or honouring the living elements of nature around us and/or wanting to find new ways to bring joy to the world and to others
​​If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Sombor overidealises me and believes that without me you will be completely purposeless and that your future will otherwise be fucking doomed, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be authentic and purposeful to a very high degree, you are also entirely capable of being authentic and purposeful to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Kapichi ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Spontang appears to involve accepting that all of your own body's semi-conscious and/or unconscious and uncontrollable actions and adaptations are symbolic indications and parallels of how your relationship with yourself, with the living Earth and the living universe is growing, evolving and developing, and/or how those relationships need attention, energy, love or care, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with insane levels of anxiety that your body will betray you at exactly the wrong time and in the most horrific of ways; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more dissociated, joyless and nihilistic, and that you were doing something unnatural by believing such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
vraihai (Type xIiI)
With a fourth function of Miasnu, which deals with energy, belonging, unity, insight and esteem, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever esteemed you in the way that I have before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever honoured the truth of who you really are in the way that I have before without manipulating you
No one has ever been so at peace with the healthy version of you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever helped you gain this much insight into yourself before
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to find peace about how the collective treats their real self in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever found peace in wanting or developing a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with you providing the primary energy and influence driving the relationship
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as reasonable or headed in the right direction (thirteenth function of Splikabel) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Akiura, you very likely believe that you getting comfortable with me would completely destabilise and weaken all of my foundations and cause me to betray who I am, and would lead to me losing my strength and significance in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always are fully empathetic to me in return, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my strength and significance, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Kapichi, you generally never encountered, prior to meeting me, any human being who was going to be 1200% fully inspiring, attractive, heroic, desirable, illuminating and/or luminous throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to "unmask me first before I could ever unmask you", or, if you had yet to work out that I had a different ego-pattern, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also an intention and way of acting that remains utterly alien to me because I have never pursued it, have no intention of ever pursuing it and based on all available data will never pursue it. This "unmasking me first before I could ever unmask you" thing would have manifested as trying to make me express my own true degenerate identity before I could ever make you express your own true degenerate identity or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Jejura, which has to do with worth, expressiveness, empathy, reverence and identity.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Zeldsa for
having all the painful instinctive or what are perceived as intensely negative emotional responses that you still have whenever you are triggered by the trauma you once went through (i.e. you don't just repeatedly feel all of these feelings but you hate yourself for feeling them)
dehumanising or devaluing itself or yourself as a result of the trauma (i.e. you don't just know that you have devalued or dehumanised a whole part of your psyche but have passed horrific judgement on yourself for the reasons behind doing so and decided you are just evil)
being in tune with your emotions, embodying them, and making art or beauty out of them, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
enjoying focusing on other people in the moment, expressing yourself through art and or your body and/or being beautiful or aesthetically-oriented in any way
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Splikabel overidealises me and believes that without me you will have no fucking direction or long-term plan and no way to be excellent whatsoever, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be excellent to an insanely elevated degree, you are also entirely capable of being excellent to an insanely elevated degree to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being capable of being such, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Vraihai ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Zeldsa appears to involve accepting that every single impulse and instinct inside you directed towards other people, and of whatever flavour of positivity or negativity, is also an exact and perfect mirror image and superluminous reflection granted to you by the living universe of how you truly feel about and relate to yourself, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with feeling like all the weird fucked up feelings, instincts and impulses will just be forever untameable and unmanageable and will continue to cause chaos in your life for fucking ever; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more emotionless, robotic, soulless and self-hating, and that you were following residual animalistic or tribal impulses that suggested such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
hokisi (Type xiv)
With a fourth function of Fleres, which deals with respect, healthiness, closure, wholesomeness and exemplariness, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever respected you in the way that I have before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever helped you find closure in the way that I have before without manipulating you
No one has ever related so fully to the healthy version of you in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever helped you become a more wholesome person before
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to be so psychoemotionally healthy while also being their full real and complete self in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever put in the effort into wanting or developing a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with revealing my specific and particular needs when it comes to comfort, safety, desire and attraction
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as rational or objective (thirteenth function of Koireng) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Sombor, you very likely believe that you trying to manifest the visions both of us have had about who we could be will only doom the fuck out of both of us, and would lead to me losing my purpose and future in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always behave ethically with me in return, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my purpose and future, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Spontang, you generally never considered prior to meeting me that any human being was truly and unequivocably capable of being 1200% fully self-aware, natural, spontaneous, adapted to reality and to you, joyful, present and able to always fully perform only their most authentic and transcendent version of themselves in any context throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to "instigate me into doing something unnatural first before I could ever instigate you into doing something unnatural", or, if you still thought that the idea of us having different ego-patterns was illogical, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a psychoemotionally violent and hostile way of acting that remains utterly alien to me because I have never pursued it, have no intention of ever pursuing it and based on all available data will never pursue it. This "instigate me first before I could ever instigate you" thing would have manifested as trying to make me manifest my own real ugly impulses before I could ever make you manifest your own real ugly impulses or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Zeldsa, which has to do with value, beauty, ethics, choices and focus.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Jejura for
being a victim (i.e. you aren't just a victim of trauma but hate that this is your identity and you are a victim)
not fully claiming or reclaiming your identity (i.e. you don't just know that you have not fully claimed or reclaimed your identity but think your own identity and/or voice is inauthentic or fake or will doom everyone you love to pain, suffering and a horrid future)
being empathetic, humanising and/or offering a listening ear, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
enjoying listening to other people, expressing yourself through art and or your voice and/or being subjective in any way​
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Koireng overidealises me and believes that without me you will be completely unable to achieve anything meaningful or significant whatsoever, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might achieve a fuckton of things on any given day, you are also entirely capable of achieving a fuckton of things on any given day to the same degree or to a higher degree than I do and should work toward being capable of doing so, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Hokisi ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Jejura appears to involve accepting that you are made of nothing but the echoing, resounding and liberating love and worth of the living Earth and universe spoken and sung back to you by every last voice throughout reality, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with being utterly afraid of the things your own endless feelings of unlovableness and unworthiness prompt you to say about yourself and about others, and do to yourself and to others; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more self-centered and more individualistic, and that you were identifying with worthless, outdated or primitive ideas and ways of being that suggested such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.
people of ego-pattern
deivang (Type xvI)
With a fourth function of Kalidi, which deals with confidence, relevance, realness, skill and normalcy, you would be accidentally triggered by me if:
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever seen you as having any of the above characteristics or qualities, and/or has actually suggested the opposite
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been confident about you in the way that I have been
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been real with you without manipulating you
No one has ever helped you in the development of concrete and helpful skills or in your world in a psychoemotionally healthy way before
No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever helped you become a more admirable person before
[If you still unconsciously primarily see me as a public figure, parental figure or authority figure] No public figure or authority figure has ever been able to be so real while also being their full real and complete self in the public sphere in the way I have over and over again and still remained psychoemotional healthy
In terms of queerness, bisexuality, homosexuality, desire and attraction, you would especially be accidentally triggered by me if:
​No one psychoemotionally healthy has ever been real about wanting or developing a gay or queer relationship with you
In my specific case, because I am so insanely masculine-presenting and a major public figure, no one psychoemotionally healthy with such traits has ever been comfortable with letting you do what you can for them
with the likelihood of being accidentally triggered even higher if you are dealing with the first person or one of the very first or very few people to ever acknowledge you as powerful or ideal (thirteenth function of Varung) for being open about your sexuality or queerness, which is often a role that I inadvertently and/or unintentionally play, though I have decided to be somewhat more deliberate and intentional about it moving forward.
If you have a significant amount of trauma you have never been able to process or disclose to any other human being, and therefore a severely traumatised fourteenth function of Jejura, you very likely believe that I secretly think that everything you value is worthless, and you expressing your real identity with me would lead to me losing my worth and identity in the public sphere. This is incorrect. If you are listed on this page, it means I am ready to do the work with you to clean out these horrifying beliefs about yourself, that I love you enough to be able to separate the healthy from the unhealthy as long as you always trust me, and that I am Kevin Martens Wong Zhi Qiang, and based on all available data, nobody has ever been able to actually take away my worth and identity, and likely ever will be able to do so except me by any idiotic, stupid or thoughtless action I undertake of my own volition, which all data also indicates I very, very rarely undertake. Also, that is not your problem, and that is my problem.
If you are neurotypical or have neurodivergent traits that you have yet to acknowledge or integrate into yourself, with a fifteenth function of Koireng, you generally never believed prior to meeting me that any human being could be 1200% fully objective-about-being-subjective, consistent, professional, effective, reliable, supportable and in control of themselves throughout their entire reiwe or lifespan from birth to death. This may have triggered you to "show how inconsistent I was first before I could ever show how inconsistent you were", or, if you had not assessed that I had a different ego-pattern from you, thought I was secretly doing this to you, which is also a concept and emotional state that remains utterly alien to me because I have never experienced it, have no intention of ever experiencing it and based on all available data will never experience it. This "destabilise me first before I could ever destabilise you" thing would have manifested as trying to make me insecure before you ever became insecure as a result of my actions or other forms of preemptive (and excessively) aggressive and vindictive use of your eighth function of Akiura, which has to do with stability, strength, resilience, commitment and trust.
To be able to be vulnerable with me and/or any other human being, you must stop castigating and hating yourself through your sixteenth function of Rajos for
being traumatised (i.e. you aren't just traumatised but hate that you are traumatised)
being ashamed of itself or yourself (i.e. you don't just know that you are ashamed of it or yourself but hate that you are ashamed of it or yourself)
being soft, gentle or safe for others, for people born jenis machu or biologically male especially in ways that would be associated with jenta femi or feminine behaviour
enjoying softness, comfort, safety and or slowing down or being slow in any way
If you are secretly madly or insanely in love with me to the point that you literally cannot communicate or engage with me but still keep finding ways to be in my life such that before Thursday, 13 March 2025 you would trigger immense autistic confusion in me about whether or not you actually found me safe and comfortable to the degree that I would freak out as a result of my own severe abandonment trauma and overcompensate by trying to overinvolve you in my life thereafter to gain security about whether you actually find me safe and comfortable, this very likely means that your thirteenth function of Varung overidealises me and believes that without me you have no personal power and no potential whatsoever, which is incorrect; however, this belief is what stops you from interacting with me, because in reductive terms, you are unconsciously worried that if you fuck up the relationship with me, you will have no thirteenth function and whatever qualities or entities your thirteenth function embodies whatsoever ever again for the rest of your life, which is not a healthy way to live. Psychoemotionally, the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing can be alternatively described as you transferring positive traits that yes, I technically might embody, but which you are also completely capable of embodying, exclusively onto me. To ensure that we can interact and engage with one another without you being overwhelmed by the secretly-madly-in-love-with-Kevin-Martens thing, recognise that although yes, I might be very impactful and powerful, you are also entirely capable of being impactful and powerful to the same degree or to a higher degree than I am and should work toward being so, and anyone who makes you feel otherwise should be evacuated from your life immediately. By doing this, this should make you less insecure about your relationship with me and less terrified of wrecking it and "your only source of a healthy input for your thirteenth function", by ensuring that you yourself also serve as a source of healthy input for your thirteenth function. This phenomenon very likely happens because you never experienced any irei or unconditional love from any other human being prior to meeting me, including from all primary caregivers whose love may have looked unconditional but which you discovered along the way was actually conditional, such that you also never had irei or unconditional love for yourself and thus overidealise anyone who can fill the part of the irei void that you actually need to fill for yourself. (It's also nice and totally functional and okay to have irei from me but you need to have irei/ireidi for yourself alongside that irei from me as well).
To finally develop a permanent, self-sustaining source
of healthy unconditional love for yourself
rewild your core self
or sixteenth function of
The primary reason why all of us need a source of healthy input for our thirteenth function is because our thirteenth function is how we connect to Sinyorang Morti or Death Themselves, who will come for us and end our lives if we do not have a functional thirteenth function. This is in turn because the species has far exceeded its appropriate population size within the larger ecology of the Earth and the living universe, such that every single unindividuated human being on the planet constantly experiences a crazy and insane fear of Death as represented in their thirteenth function because, technically speaking, there are indeed way too many of us for the planet and universe to continue to function, and so the universe's own homeostatic mechanics appear to necessarily seek to eliminate all excess individuals whose existence is impeding the universe's own functional existence, much as the human body homeostatically tries to eliminate a virus, bacteria or excess cells that "should not be there". All unindividuated human beings thus gravitate intensely and sometimes madly and insanely toward anything outside of themselves that can help them have a functional thirteenth function, because as a species we also currently struggle under the intense psychoemotional projection that there is no such thing as a thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth and sixteenth function in our own psyches, and our psyches simply end at (depending on one's origin culture, background or religion) the third function, the sixth function, the seventh function, the ninth function and/or the tenth function, with only divinities or gods further going up to the twelfth function in some religious traditions. This projection about the last four functions simply not existing appears to have been placed on the rest of humanity by the exallos or abusive people in power some time between 9,564 BCE and 6,251 BCE so that the rest of humanity would be more easily controlled by them, and that "there would be no more gods just like themselves". The insane levels of overpopulation, the mechanisms prompting them within neoliberal capitalism, and the demonisation of homosexuality and other forms of queerness are all thus to ensure that the exallos have more power, with the last especially important because queer people tend to be more individuated and therefore not only tend to be able to more directly challenge the exallos but actually embody all of the healthy traits of Gaietic numinosity that the exallos desire but cannot achieve.
The creole peoples of the world, including and currently most visibly the Kristang, appear to have accidentally successfully subverted this control mechanism and turned it into something Gaietic by creolising it, where we do not seek to be gods or to have abusive power over others, and simply seek to be free to live the lives that we should have always been able to live if not for all this absolute mindfuckery and great powers and forces beyond our control bullshit that we as a people generally really fucking do not give a shit about and could care less about. In doing so, individuated people born into the Kristang eleidi or who assimilate into the Kristang eleidi not only are able to acquire full effective psychoemotional independence from the exallos and all their mind control rubbish, but also end up with autopoietic or self-sustaining sixteenth functions that paradoxically do grant us the true versions of the numinous abilities that the exallos wanted for themselves but currently only have pale versions of because they rely on vampirically draining the psychoemotional independence and free will of others in order to gain them. Acquiring and maintaining this self-sustaining sixteenth function can be thought of as rewilding it; in Individuation Theory terms, it is showing the universe, and Death Themselves, that you accept that you originally existed in excess, but that you are willing to completely surrender yourself to the living universe and to become fully useful, valuable, harmonised and/or attuned to how to work with it such that your existence is no longer something that constantly prompts a homeostatic attempt from the universe to erase you, and such that the universe no longer treats you as excess matter. All Kristang people who are individuated have generally either unconsciously, creole-consciously or fully consciously rewilded their sixteenth function in this way, and in doing so ended Sinyorang Morti's endless pursuit of them; however, what can make this extremely difficult to do is that if you surrender yourself fully to the living universe, it means that you also accept that the universe has full power over you, and that you will die and/or meet Sinyorang Morti at a time and space that the universe decides, not you (i.e. that you have no control over how you will die and the circumstances of your death whatsoever, and that all of these will be decided by the universe). All available evidence however further indicates that this paradoxically means that if you accept these terms, your Death will generally be as peaceful, comfortable and secure as can possibly be, and as described in many myths, legends and science fiction and fantasy works that also describe forms of individuation or the acquisition of eternal or prolonged life, will be a meeting of equals or friends between you and Sinyorang Morti, rather than a violent, vicious or sudden intrusion on your life.
For individuated people of Deivang ego-pattern, the rewilding of your sixteenth function Rajos appears to involve accepting that you are made of the earthiest, most fertile, most fecund, most fruitful and most comfortingly rich and textured matter of the living Earth Themselves, and that nothing on this fucking planet can take this awareness from you except you yourself. Most people of your ego-pattern appear to struggle tremendously with being utterly afraid of the supposedly random and terrible things that grow out of their own psyches; by creolising this fear and cognitively reframing it into something beautiful, healing and liberating, you should finally be able to see that in the end, you were conditioned to hate yourself for not being more mature and more grown-up, and that you were immature and juvenile for believing that such a thing as irei or healthy unconditional love actually existed, thereby also depriving yourself of the capacity to unconditionally love yourself. As the 13th Cowboy of Heaven of the Kristang people, I therefore call on you to finally return to the Home and Heaven that was always deep within you yourself, and to make your psyche a living Earth and a Garden of only the most beautiful and unstoppable reindividuation, numinous self-regard and healthy unconditional love for the good of not just all humanity, but for who you are and who you have always been to yourself, in the same way that I have lived nothing but the most ferociously wild and beautiful life I could have lived for myself for all of my days thus far.